4,59 km2


The landscape park is situated in the north-western part of Ljubljana, capital city of Slovenia. It encompasses the Tivoli city park and the forest areas of Rožnik, Šiška Hill and Koseze forest covering a total area of 459 hectares.


The Tivoli, Rožnik and Šiška Hill Landscape Park was founded by the Ordinance Designating the Area of Tivoli, Rožnik and Šiška Hill a Natural Site of Special Interest as far as in 1984 (Official Gazette of SRS, no. 21/84). In 2015, a new Ordinance on the Tivoli, Rožnik and Šiška Hill Landscape Park was prepared (OG RS, nos. 78/15, 41/169) and adopted by the Municipality of Ljubljana. The Tivoli, Rožnik and Šiška Hill Landscape Park was established in order to conserve numerous natural values, rich biotic diversity, landscape diversity and natural processes. The goals of this conservation are achieved by the protection, financing and most of all management of the park. At the end of 2016, the Municipality of Ljubljana awarded the concession for the management of the Tivoli, Rožnik and Šiška Hill Landscape Park to Snaga Javno podjetje d.o.o. (public company for waste management) with the Ordinance on Management Concession (OG RS, no. 1/17). The company Snaga will execute all protection, professional, supervisory and management tasks in the Tivoli, Rožnik and Šiška Hill Landscape Park.


The area of Rožnik, Šišenski hrib and Koseški boršt is of major relevance from the aspects of valuable natural features protection, landscape characteristics and biodiversity maintenance. It complexly binds various natural segments into a whole, constituting a mosaic-like intertwining of several well preserved ecosystems, the component parts of which are rare and endangered plant and animal species.
Three quarters of the area under consideration are covered by forests. In terms of tree species, beech prevails, followed by fir and noble deciduous trees. A lesser part of the Landscape Park is also overgrown by regularly maintained grasslands.
Tivoli, Rožnik and Šišenski hrib Landscape Park was established with the purpose to preserve the area’s numerous valuable natural features, great biodiversity, landscape diversity and natural processes.
In the area four inner protected areas was designated – two Natural monuments and two Nature reserves.
Natural monument Pod Turnom is the classical locality of Pseudostellaria europaea.
Natural monument Tivoli is a typical city park and one of the most pertinent green areas in Ljubljana. Its significant function is to link grassland and forest areas outside the city with other city greenery. As an extremely diverse area in terms of its species, the Park is home to rare and threatened animal species, particularly birds. The trunks of old deciduous trees in Tivoli Park are habitat of the protected hermit beetle (Osmoderma eremita); both the beetle and its habitat are protected. According to the EU Habitats Directive, this beetle is classified as a priority conservation species.
Tivoli Park boasts more than two centuries long and highly varied history as well as equally long tradition of visiting and walking through it. For the City of Ljubljana, and wider, it has a symbolic meaning and is recognizable across the entire country.
Mali Rožnik Nature Reserve is situated in the wet valley between the ridges of Mali and Veliki Rakovnik northwest of the peak of Rožnik. This small marsh is characterized by numerous palustrine plants, alder stands, and water surfaces covered with sedge, peat and, in the lower part of the valley, a peat bog.
Nature Reserve Mostec (the transient marsh) is located in the lower part of the Mostec wet valley at the foot of Debeli hrib. It is considered a relict locality of marsh plants. Of particular interest here are the buckbean (Menyanthes trifoliata), bog-sedge (Carex limosa), Viola uliginosa, round-leaved sundew (Drosera rotundifolia), common cranberry (Oxycoccus palustris) and water horsetail (Equisetum fluviatile).


Tivoli is the central, the most beautiful and eminent park in Ljubljana, forming – together with Rožnik and Šiška Hill – a 459 ha large landscape park. The uniqueness of this area has already been recognised by our ancestors and given to future generations as a place for leisure activities in nature. The larger part of the landscape park is covered with forest – the green heart of the city and an area with considerable biodiversity, complemented by a rich cultural heritage. Several sights and attractions can be found inside the landscape park: Tivoli Park – a typical city park and one of the most significant green areas in Ljubljana, Plečnik Promenade – a park trait is one of Plečnik’s most significant works. Cekin Mansion – a baroque mansion built between 1752 and 1755. Today, the Cekin Mansion houses the National Museum of Contemporary History.
The Swiss House – it was build in 1835 as a place of gathering for the German-speaking elite from Ljubljana. Due to its specific architecture, the inn was similar to an alpine house, and was therefore named “Švicarija” – the Swiss House. In 2013, the Švicarija was given a status of a cultural monument of local importance. A complete renovation ended in 2017. During its vibrant history, the Švicarija has always been a popular inn, café and hotel, as well as the venue for rich cultural and social events.


The Tivoli, Rožnik and Šiška Hill Landscape Park in the centre of Ljubljana offers many possibilities: peace and quiet, fresh air, a place for exercising in the forest, playing on playgrounds and meadows, visiting museums and cultural sites. There are several educational, scientific and cultural institutions, catering establishments and sports facilities. Within the landscape park, you can also find the popular and well-visited Ljubljana Zoo.

The Tivoli, Rožnik and Šiška Hill Landscape Park is the most visited landscape park in Slovenia, with almost two million visitors per year or an average of 5,500 visitors per day. What the inhabitants and visitors of Ljubljana appreciate the most in the landscape park, is its immediate proximity to nature, since this kind of coexistence between the city and the park forest areas is rare in other large cities. The area of the landscape park is firmly lodged in the consciousness of the inhabitants of Ljubljana and its wider surroundings and represents a unique identity of the city of Ljubljana.


The landscape park is situated in the north-western part of Ljubljana, capital city of Slovenia. You can get to the Tivoli, Rožnik and Šiška Hill Landscape park by City bus, public bike hire scheme BicikeLJ or private car.


Snaga Javno podjetje d.o.o.
Povšetova 6
1000 Ljubljana

+386 1 4779 792

Web: www.kp-trsh.si

Mail: info.kptrsh@snaga.si

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