Zasavica is located in southeastern part of Europe, in the Republic of Serbia, in the territory of southern Vojvodina
and northern Mačva, east of the river Drina and south of the river Sava, in the territories of the municipalities of
Sremska Mitrovica and Bogatić. This natural gem can be found between 44° 52′ 56“ and 44° 58′ 04“ of north
geographical latitude and 19° 24′ 07“ and 19° 36′ 31“ east geographical longitude (GMT).
Peaceful and gentle, as a river of the plain, it has enabled the survival of numerous and diverse flora and fauna. In
order to preserve this world, Zasavica itself and its coastline were put under the protection of the State in 1997, as a
natural property of the first category of exceptional importance, at the proposal of the Institute for Nature Protection of
Serbia. On the national network of Ramsar protected areas (wetlands and other wetlands according to the
Convention on Wetlands Protection ratified by country), Zasavica is on the list of Ramsar areas in Serbia (proclaimed
in 2009) and according to the classification of the International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN), it has a
Category IV as habitat and species management area. Since 2001, Zasavica has become a member of the
EUROPARK FEDERATION. Also due to its natural values, Zasavica has been proclaimed internationally as IBA,
PBA and IPA.
Zasavica is protected as special nature reserve for the conservation of natural watercourses and wetlands with
significant diversity of flora and fauna and present natural rarities and endangered species. Over 680 plant species,
20 fish species, 27 amphibian and reptile species, 216 bird species and over 600 species of various invertebrates
have been recorded in the area so far.
The largest number belongs to the group of widespread taxa (cosmopolitan and euryvalent species), however, there
is a significant presence of rare and relict species that grow in these areas at the borders of their habitats.
When it comes to plants, the presence of following species is of special importance: white and yellow water lily
(Nymphaea alba, Nuphar luteum), water pineapple (Stratiotes aloides), water lily (Nymphoides peltata), mare’s tail
(Hippuris vulgaris), featherfoil (Hottonia palustris), water spearwort (Ranunculus lingva) and Pannonian knapweed
(Centaurea sadlerana) – sub-endemic plant of the Pannonian Basin, urtica (Urtica kioviensis), marsh fern (Thelypteris
palustris) and rare herbal species sweet flag (Acorus calamus). Out of the species, the most valuable is definitely
waterwheel plant (Aldrovanda vesiculosa) since Zasavica is its only habitat in Serbia, while the species was
registered as extinct in Serbia until 2005.
When it comes to fauna, following species are of the highest value: the European mudminnow (Umbra krameri) for
which Zasavica represents one of the last three habitats in Serbia and of course beaver (Castor fiber), which was
turned back to Serbia after 100 years by international project from Germany. There is a large number of birds as well,
that are globally endangered in Europe (SPEC 2) and world (SPEC 1) such as white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)
and ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca) whose number in Zasavica is 5 % of the total national population. For 22 years
of exploring Zasavica, 144 new species for Serbia were discovered, out of which 7 species are new for the Balkans.
Many of the species on Zasavica due to their threat are found in the Red Data Book of the flora and fauna of Serbia,
but also on the European and World List of Threatened Species.
The area is dominated by the river biotope, consisting of Zasavica river and the tributary Batar, with a total length of
33.1 km. Aquatic and wetland ecosystems with fragments of flood meadows and forests are being replaced in the
ecological sequence. The total area of the reserve is 3400 ha, out of which 1120 ha is in stricted protection regime.
The backbone of the reserve is the water surface of Jovača and Prekopac canals, channeled and natural flow of
Batar tributary, as well as the river Zasavica itself, which has direct connection to Sava river through Modran canal in
Mačvanka Mitrovica. Zasavica is fed by underground water from Drina river and gravitationally from Cer mountain. It
belongs to the Black Sea basin and is one of the last originally preserved wetlands, going from north to south of
Preservation of the original landscapes, authentic folklore features and cultural and historical monuments represent
Zasavica as a unique and complete tourist unit. Vivid alternation of forests, wet meadows, wide coasts and water
itself, richness of plant and animal species, traditional way of life on the river, painted through folklore and everyday
life, historical heritage that goes back to ancient times provide visitors with rare, attractive and unrepeatable all year
long tourist facilities. Holidays, recreation, boating, sightseeing and nature study at Zasavica Special Nature |Reserve
can be made available to all generations. Educational programs for students in order to study natural values are
realized through one-day and multi-day stays and professionally prepared programs and activities. Due to its
biodiversity, the presence of relict, endemic and rare species and their habitats, the ability to monitor inter and
intraspecific relations, the interaction of abiotic and biotic factors, the area can be designated as interesting and
suitable for scientific and professional research. With a little luck, sports fishermen can catch beautiful specimens of
the European carp, pike or goldfish. Boating through Zasavica itself for photo-safari lovers is a real pleasure, as
nature never leaves you indifferent, and food from old indigenous breeds is offered as a special attraction. For
individual and organized visits, all expert information and guidance is provided by the manager of the protected area
Pokret Goran from Sremska Mitrovica.
Visitor Center: Visitor Center is the central tourists spot of the reserve. A wooden structure was built with a turn of
18 m height overlooking a 300 ha pasture and the widest and most beautiful part of Zasavica stream. A dock which
leads to the boats and tourist boat Umbra which takes visitors to the tour around the reserve can be found in the
front. Presented objects are as follows: „Bircuz kod dabra“ and ethno restaurant with a ethnographic-historical setting
of old household and agricultural objects and tools from the end of the XIX and the beginning of the XX century as
well as old photograph from the lives of people of Srem and Mačva. The whole space is available to visitors from 8h
to 20h (winter time, 365 days a year. This is the place where tourists get the necessary information about the reserve
through lectures and information billboards (photos of flora and fauna). Between 30 000 and 45 000 guests visit the
reserve every year.
Tourist boat: In order to develop tourist facilities, tourist boat called Umbra which can transport up to 100 visitors is
in use since 2002. Since 2003, the boat has a fairway through the most beautiful part of the resrve from Valjevci
towards forester’s bridge in the length of 2 km. Guests have a view of the widest part of Zasavica stream, behindwhich they can find a pasture which is further replaced by a complex of flood forests, so that you can see both swampbirds and various forest bird species.
“Camping Zasavica”: Only 200m along the driveway to the Visitor Center of the Special Nature Reserve Zasavica,
a camp called “CAMPING ZASAVICA” is situated, with an area of 0,5 ha. The capacity of the campsite is 42 places
where each place is provided by drinking water and electricity from modern device. Each parking space is fringed
with trees and planted flowers. There is a reception at the entrance to the campsite to welcome guests. This campsite
also includes a common lounge, kitchen, laundry and restroom. The lounge is equipped with benches and tables,
large LCD TV, DVD and video player, a large fireplace with barbecue, kettle and cooking area, as well as wireless
internet. The toilet is adapted to the needs of disabled people with access ramp. Campsite equipped in this way is
categorized with three stars by the European Camping Association.
Zasavica reserve is located 15 km south of Belgrade-Zagreb highway, 90 km west of Belgrade and 70 km south of
Novi Sad. The reserve is reached when the E-70 highway exists Sremska Mitrovica, then through Mačvanska
Mitrovica towards Zasavica village and further towards Special Nature Reserve Zasavica.
Pokret gorana Sremska Mitrovica
Address: Svetog Save 19
22000 Sremska Mitrovica
Telephone: +381 22 614 300