
Strategic planning of Parks Dinarides in Samobor

Preparation of three-year Strategic Plan of the Network is getting finalized

The workshop on Development of Strategic Plan of the Parks Dinarides was held as part of the preparation of three-year Strategic Plan of the Parks Dinarides for the period 2019–2021 in Samobor (Croatia) from 19 until 22 February 2019. Preparation of the new plan started in 2018.

During the participative process, at the conference of the Parks Dinarides held in November in Budva (Montenegro), the first workshop was organized where the participant discussed current work of the network and needs for the upcoming period.

At the second workshop, organized in Samobor, the statement on Vision and Mission of the Parks Dinarides was considered, SWOT Analysis prepared, as well as Tree of Problems and Strategic and Operational Plan with cost estimation. As part of the new three-year Strategic Plan of Parks Dinarides (2019–2021) in the period from 19 until 22 February 2019 in Samobor the workshop on Development of Strategic Plan of the Parks Dinarides was held.

In accordance with obtained inputs from the workshop participants, the Strategic Development Plan of the Parks Dinarides will be amended and finalized until first half of March 2019. After that, the members will be able to value it and adopt it at the following General Assembly of the Parks Dinarides planned for the beginning of May.

New Strategic Plan of the Parks Dinarides is prepared with the support of WWF Adria Programme “Protected Areas for Nature and People”, financed by the Swiss Development Agency (Sida).

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