Mapping the Invasive Alien Plant Species And Establishing Biologer Platform for Biodiversity Data in Montenegro

Title: Mapping the Invasive Alien Plant Species And Establishing Biologer Platform for Biodiversity Data in Montenegro
Donor: Rufford Small Grant Foundation, UK
Duration: 22.03.2023 – 22.03.2024.
Budget: 5300 GBP

          The aim of this project is to provide systematic mapping of the distribution of invasive alien plant species in the territory of Montenegro, as well as to establish the first open online database for collecting information on the biodiversity of Montenegro – Biologer.

            Invasive alien species have a negative impact on native species, biodiversity, habitats and ecosystems. Data on the distribution of alien (non-native) invasive species represent the first step in the process of their control and removal. Invasive species often enter natural ecosystems and can make serious changes in their appearance. Through this project, systematic mapping of the distribution of selected alien invasive plant species will be carried out.

            At the same time, a new local Biologer community will be established in Montenegro, the first open online database for collecting information about biodiversity. The development of this platform will, above all, be helped by the local community. The platform already exists in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. For the first time, this will provide users with open access to data on the biodiversity of Montenegro. Also, citizens will be invited to join the initiative and actively participate in the collection of data on invasive plant species, but also on all wild species of Montenegro. Experiences with the Biologer platform from neighboring countries have shown that providing an online database with open access and establishing a community of volunteers can greatly contribute to the collection of data on some endangered and rare species and help protect them.

            At the end of the project, maps of the geographic distribution of certain invasive plant species in Montenegro would be available to the public through the Biologer platform, while all summarized data in the form of reports would be submitted to competent public institutions.

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