
Let’s separate waste together

Parks Dinarides started implementation of project ‘Let’s separate waste together’, which strives to draw attention and improve knowledge of citizens about the need for proper disposal of waste.  

The project is being implemented in cooperation with the Municipality of Plužine and the Public Utility Company of Plužine in order to support the implementation of the Local Plan for management of municipal and non-hazardous construction waste in the Municipality of Plužine for the period 2016 – 2020.

This plan envisages intensification of activities in the area of raising public awareness and maintaining continuity in this regard by organizing various campaigns and forums, informing citizens through the media and organizing actions for collecting certain types of waste. In addition, the plan envisages establishment of a system of primary selection on principle of two bins – dry and wet components, as well as improving the cooperation between Utility company and population by intensifying the Utility company’s activities in field of encouraging population.

In order to achieve the aforementioned priorities, through this project, activities to educate the citizens of Plužine through educational workshops where the target groups are school-age children as well as a workshop for public administration employees, will be implemented. In addition, by preparing and distributing educational materials (brochures and leaflets), citizens (collective and individual types of housing) will receive all necessary information on the importance and need of primary selection, i.e. separate collection of municipal waste and how they can do it in the territory of Plužine. Educational material will be distributed to citizens through the establishment of info-points, and also through the distribution of brochures and leaflets with the bills for waste disposal, in mailboxes and by door-to-door principle.

In cooperation with the local self-government and the Public Utility Company, we are going to identify public areas and public institutions in whose facilities will be placed separate waste collection bins (dry wet component). The bins are going to be procured through the project and visibly marked with labels/posters containing information about the type of waste that should be collected in them.

In order to further encourage the citizens to properly dispose of the waste, in cooperation with the Utility Company and the Nature Park Piva, an activity will be organized in order to clean and arrange an illegal waste-field in the park area.

The project is being implemented with the support of the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism through a Public call for proposals for the financing of environmental awareness program on the need to introduce a separate municipal waste collection system and will last for six months.

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