
Created Orjen Mountain Case Study

Parks Dinarides – network of protected areas of DInarides created the Orjen Mountain Case Study as a final result of the project “Testing guidelines for assessment and valorization of ecosystem services and their integration into the development plans of Orjen Protected Area Management Institutions” implemented by Parks Dinarides and supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmBh.

This study shows how the recently published “Regional Guidelines for the Assessment and Evaluation of Ecosystem Services in the Process of Establishing Protected Areas and Their Management in the Western Balkans” (Stojnić et al. 2020) were piloted in the case of Orjen mountain in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. This piloting aimed to show how the gradual process of ecosystem services assessment and evaluation (ESAV) can be applied in practice, in favor of protected area establishment (PAE) and its management (PAM). This study describes how each step of the ESAV process was applied to the Orjen Mountain case study, highlights the specific challenges and successes encountered on that occasion, and draws general conclusions and lessons learned on how and why these guidelines can be used in other contexts. The piloting of the guidelines was carried out by Parks Dinarides in cooperation with experts.

The study was created in Montenegrin and English and is available for download on the Parks Dinarides website.

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